
Photo by Shawn Dahlen

What is Envision Duxbury?

Envision Duxbury is a comprehensive master plan being developed by the Town of Duxbury with the support of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and under the direction of the Duxbury Planning Director, Planning Board, and a group of dedicated local volunteers called Master Plan Ambassadors.

What is a master plan?

A master plan is a strategic framework that guides the future physical and economic development of a town or city based on the community vision and goals. Developing a master plan is more than just researching and writing a report. It is an open, public process through which the people of Duxbury will decide future priorities to guide growth and development over the next decade. It is a process through which town residents and business owners, and Town boards and committees, will talk to each other, listen to each other, and determine a set of common goals to guide future preservation, development, and planning in the Town of Duxbury.

When completed in mid 2019, Envision Duxbury will include the following elements:

  • Duxbury’s Vision for the Future
  • Duxbury Today
  • Housing
  • Historic & Cultural Resources
  • Open Space & Recreation
  • Public Facilities & Services
  • Transportation & Circulation
  • Economic Development
  • Sustainability: Climate Action & Energy
  • Land Use & Zoning
  • Implementation

Here is how it will all work.

During the course of the Envision Duxbury process, residents of all ages, business owners, elected and appointed representatives, and others will be invited to weigh in on important issues facing our great town. There will be many ways to participate (click HERE to learn how). Once as much input as possible is gathered from as many sources as possible, thePlanning Board DirectorandPlanning Board members,with assistance from MAPC will synthesize all findings, then develop a set of draft goals, strategies and actions for each element, and develop an implementation strategy for each. Once the draft plan elements are all complete, the full document will be released for public comment. Presentations and discussions will occur with residents and interested parties to solicit feedback (including atsome public forums). Meetings with appointed and elected boards ofDuxbury will also be held to solicit feedback and guidance. Finally, after considerable input, the plan will be finalized and approved by the Planning Board. Once approved, Envision Duxbury will serve as the guiding planning document for the Town ofDuxbury over the next 10 years.

What is MAPC and what is its role in Envision Duxbury?


The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is under contract with the Town ofDuxbury to undertake the master planning process. MAPC is the Regional Planning Agency for the 101 cities and towns that make up Greater Boston. The agency’s charge is to use planning to improve Metro Boston’s livability, its prosperity, safety, health, equity, and distinctive character. To that end, MAPC assists its municipalities with planning projects; provides them with opportunities to save money with group purchasing; and acts as a regional think-tank, offering data, analysis, advocacy, and regional collaboration.